. Oldschoolstylecomputerbyrajneet Pic


This website is about old school style video games and softwares. This website contains games for desktop and mobile phone which are free to play. Minimum requirement for the games on the website is Microsoft Windows operating system 64-bit and Android 12 operating system. Minimum display resolution required for desktop games is 1366 x 768. The games for desktop support a controller using a software named AntiMicro.

Play the games which are on the website on desktop and mobile phone only. Do not copy the things of the website. The creator of this website is not responsible if there is any damage caused by using this website. By using this website the user agrees to these conditions.

About me- My name is Rajneet Singh Ghuman and I am a independent developer. Contact email ID- coder7575@gmail.com

Privacy policy of the website- The website is hosted using website https://pages.cloudflare.com. The data like the number of website visits by its users, country, web browser, operating system, device type, etc is used by this website for analytics purpose. Personal data like name of the user, passwords, contact information which is very personal is not collected by this website and will never be collected. No personal data is collected by the games from the website. By using this website the user using this website agrees to the Privacy policy of the website.

A note from the creator of this website- I only believe in doing correct things which follow the law. This website has all legal things from my knowledge. If I have missed something which anyone finds wrong then please contact me through email to solve the problem. I have provided my email ID on this website. Feel free to use this website and enjoy the games. Thank you.


Date- 24-10-2023 Indian Standard Time- 14:40

Car game


CAR GAME is a simple car game. Click on PLAY to start playing.



Date- 23-11-2024 Indian Standard Time- 16:40

Old Move Games Obstacle Drive


Old Move Games Obstacle Drive is for PC and also supports touchscreen on some devices. In this game the car has to avoid a obstacle. The score should be more than 59 to win the game. The score increases automatically. Press the P key or press the black button to play or pause the game. Press the Right arrow key or press the orange button to move the car right. Press the Left arrow key or press the red button to move the car left. Press the green button to stop the car. Press the Z key or press the yellow button to shield the car from the obstacle which is a power. If the car goes away from the road then the game is lost. Enter screen refresh rate for fps(frames per second) and click SET(default value is 60 even if SET is not clicked and fps value will be shown in green when it is set). The value for fps should be more than zero and should be less than 1000. Click on PLAY to start playing.

